•           Doodling can help memory 
  •          the word doodle first appeared in the early 17th century to mean a fool or simpleton. 
  •          American English dude may be a derivation of doodle.
  •          There are 10 types of doodling 
  •          Common examples of doodling are produced during long telephone conversations if a pen and paper are available.
  •          Stereotypical examples of doodling are found in school notebooks, often in the margins, drawn by students daydreaming or losing interest during class.
  •          Popular kinds of doodles include cartoon versions of teachers or companions in a school, famous TV or comic characters, invented fictional beings, landscapes, geometric shapes and patterns, textures, banners with legends, and animations made by drawing a scene sequence in various pages of a book or notebook.
  •          doodling is a way to visualize ideas and learn more quickly
  •          Doodling helps in jobs such as electrical engineering 
  •          Studies show those who doodle retain more of the information they are taught

1 comentario:

  1. So interesting! i didn´t know there were 10 types of doddling, you can show me one day!
